
Newberg First UMC

2021 Focus on Anti-Racism

We are focusing intently this year on learning about racism and white privilege, how to dismantle racist systems and white supremacy, and how we can become actively anti-racist to make our communities more in line with God's vision for humankind.  Check out the content below for resources, learning opportunities, and upcoming events. Resources will be added throughout the year, so check back often!  

“Norm and I grew up with parents who taught us by word and example to be non-racist. During the past few years, we have learned that simply that principle in our personal lives is not enough. We took the online course “You Are Here: First Steps for White Christians on Race and Racism” during Lent with others in a small group to deepen our understanding of the insidious ways racism permeates our society and how to combat it.  We didn’t have any major “Aha!” moments, both because of our upbringings and because we’d already done some reading on the subject, but we valued the Christian context the class added and the tools to engage with other people without sabotaging a conversation, and we learned from others’ experiences.”

-Kathy Daviess